Hasler iX-3 Series

The Top 5 Postage Meters: A Review

Postage meters are essential tools for any business that regularly sends mail. They enable businesses to process mail more efficiently and accurately, saving time and money. However, with so many postage meters on the market, it can be challenging to choose the right one for your business. In this blog post, we will review the top 5 postage meters on the market to help you make an informed decision.

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Pitney Bowes DM400c

The Pitney Bowes DM400c is a high-speed, reliable postage meter that can process up to 120 letters per minute. It has a built-in scale that accurately calculates postage based on the weight and destination of the mail. The DM400c also has a color touchscreen display, which makes it easy to use and navigate. Other features include:

  • Automatic feeder for processing large batches of mail
  • A maximum postage amount of $9,999.99
  • A built-in envelope sealer
  • A LAN connection for online updates and reporting

Neopost IN-750

The Neopost IN-750 is a versatile postage meter that can handle a wide variety of mail sizes and types. It has a processing speed of up to 175 letters per minute and can accurately calculate postage based on weight and destination. The IN-750 also has the following features:

  • A built-in scale that can weigh up to 10 pounds
  • A maximum postage amount of $9,999.99
  • A customizable color touchscreen display
  • A user-friendly interface that can be customized to fit your business needs

Top USPS Postage Meters

Hasler IM-480

The Hasler IM-480 is a reliable postage meter that can process up to 100 letters per minute. It has a built-in scale that accurately calculates postage based on weight and destination. The IM-480 also has the following features:

  • A maximum postage amount of $9,999.99
  • A customizable color touchscreen display
  • Automatic feeding for processing large batches of mail
  • A LAN connection for online updates and reporting
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FP USA PostBase Pro

The FP USA PostBase Pro is a user-friendly postage meter that can process up to 140 letters per minute. It has a built-in scale that accurately calculates postage based on weight and destination. The PostBase Pro also has the following features:

  • A maximum postage amount of $9,999.99
  • A customizable color touchscreen display
  • A built-in envelope sealer
  • A LAN connection for online updates and reporting

AccuZIP6 Postage Meter

The AccuZIP6 Postage Meter is a software-based postage solution that can integrate with your existing mailing software. It can accurately calculate postage based on weight and destination and can handle a wide variety of mail sizes and types. The AccuZIP6 also has the following features:

  • A customizable color touchscreen display
  • A maximum postage amount of $9,999.99
  • An optional built-in scale for weighing mail
  • Online updates and reporting

Choosing the right postage meter for your business can be a daunting task, but it is an important decision that can save you time and money in the long run. The top 5 postage meters reviewed in this blog post are all reliable, efficient, and user-friendly solutions that can help streamline your mail processing. By considering the features and benefits of each, you can choose the right postage meter for your business needs.

FP PostBase Mini postage meter

What Are Postage Meters? An Essential Tool for Small Businesses

In the world of small business, efficiency is king. It’s important to streamline every aspect of operations, from customer service to postage. A postage meter can revolutionize the way your business manages mail, providing countless benefits over the traditional trip to the post office. Whether you’re sending priority mail across the United States or delivering documents locally, a postage meter can significantly simplify the process.

What Is a Postage Meter?

A postage meter, also known as a postal meter, is a mailing system that allows businesses to print postage directly onto mail items or labels for shipping. It calculates the precise postage costs based on weight, size, and mail class, eliminating the need for traditional postage stamps. These machines are regulated by the United States Postal Service (USPS) and must be rented from approved suppliers.

Benefits of Postage Meters

Postage meters offer numerous benefits, making them an invaluable tool for any small business:

Cost Savings

Postage meters can potentially save businesses money in several ways. They offer exact postage calculations, which means you never overpay for postage. Furthermore, USPS often provides discounts to postage meter users, offering lower rates than traditional retail postage costs.

Time Efficiency

Say goodbye to long lines at the post office! With a postage meter, you can print postage right from your office, making it easier to process large volumes of mail. This leads to increased productivity and significant time savings.


Printing postage directly onto your mail items gives a more professional look compared to traditional postage stamps. This can enhance your business’s image in the eyes of your customers.

Ease of Use

Modern postage meters are designed with ease of use in mind. They often come with intuitive interfaces, allowing users to weigh, rate, and print postage with a few simple steps. Some models even come with the capability to track spending by department or project, aiding in budget management.


Whether you’re sending priority mail, packages, or standard letters, a postage meter can handle it all. They can weigh and print postage for a variety of mail types, giving businesses the flexibility they need.

A postage meter can be a game-changer for small businesses, providing cost savings, efficiency, professionalism, ease of use, and flexibility. Whether you’re running a startup or an established small business, this tool can make handling mail quicker and simpler than ever before.

The Cost of Buying or Leasing Postage Meters

Postage meters are essential tools for businesses that send a significant amount of mail. They can save time and money by automating the process of weighing and applying postage to letters and packages. However, the cost of buying or leasing a postage meter can vary depending on several factors. In this section, we will discuss the cost of postage meters and the factors that can affect their prices.

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Leasing a Postage Meter

Leasing a postage meter can be an attractive option for businesses that want to spread out the cost of the machine over time. When leasing a postage meter, businesses typically pay a monthly fee that includes the cost of the machine and maintenance services. The cost of leasing a postage meter can vary depending on several factors, including:

  • The type of postage meter
  • The length of the lease agreement
  • The volume of mail processed
  • The level of maintenance services included in the lease

The cost of leasing a postage meter can range from $50 to $200 per month, depending on the above factors.

USPS Postage Meters

Buying a Postage Meter

Buying a postage meter can be a significant investment for businesses, but it can also provide long-term cost savings. When buying a postage meter, businesses typically pay the full cost of the machine upfront. The cost of buying a postage meter can vary depending on several factors, including:

  • The type of postage meter
  • The processing speed and capacity of the machine
  • The level of automation and features included in the machine
  • The level of maintenance and repair services required

The cost of buying a postage meter can range from $500 to $5,000, depending on the above factors.

Factors to Consider When Choosing to Lease or Buy a Postage Meter

When deciding whether to lease or buy a postage meter, businesses should consider several factors, including:

  • The volume of mail processed: If your business processes a significant amount of mail each month, it may be more cost-effective to purchase a postage meter rather than lease one.
  • The length of the lease agreement: If you choose to lease a postage meter, make sure to consider the length of the lease agreement. Longer lease agreements may have lower monthly fees, but they can also result in higher overall costs.
  • The level of maintenance services included in the lease: Make sure to carefully review the maintenance services included in a lease agreement. Some leases may include regular maintenance and repairs, while others may charge additional fees for these services.

The cost of leasing or buying a postage meter can vary depending on several factors, including the type of machine, the processing speed and capacity, and the level of maintenance services required. Leasing a postage meter can be a good option for businesses that want to spread out the cost of the machine over time while buying a postage meter can provide long-term cost savings. By carefully considering the above factors, businesses can choose the right postage meter option for their needs and budget.

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Traditional Postage Stamps vs. Postage Meters: A Comparison

When managing mailing operations for your small business, it’s important to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of traditional postage stamps and postage meters. While both have their place, understanding their unique features can help you decide which option best suits your business needs.

Traditional Postage Stamps

Traditional postage stamps have a long history and a strong reputation. For many years, they have been the default way to pay for postal services. They are readily available at post offices and can be easily affixed to individual mail pieces.

The use of traditional stamps does not require any specialized hardware solutions, making them a convenient choice for occasional mailers or small businesses with a lower volume of mail. Additionally, they offer flexibility, as you can purchase stamps with various denominations to cover different postage costs.

However, there are a few potential drawbacks to consider. For example, determining the correct postage often requires a separate postage scale, and overestimation can lead to overpayment. Furthermore, frequent trips to the post office to purchase stamps and mail packages can become time-consuming, especially for businesses with a high volume of mail.

Postage Meters

On the other hand, postage meters offer an advanced and efficient solution for businesses. These reliable postage meters come with unique features designed to simplify and streamline mailing operations.

For instance, many postage meters include a built-in postage scale, allowing for precise calculation of postage costs. This ensures you only pay exactly what’s needed for each mail piece. Furthermore, they often include options to print postage for a variety of mail types, from standard letters to priority mail.

Postage meters are known for their ease of use, with user-friendly interfaces and quick printing capabilities. They also enhance professionalism, printing cleanly directly onto the mail piece or a label.

usps regulations

Most importantly, postage meters can save businesses a significant amount of time. Rather than making frequent trips to the post office, businesses can handle all their mailing needs directly from their office.

However, it’s important to note that there are costs associated with renting a postage meter, and businesses will need to ensure they have sufficient volume to justify this investment.

In comparing traditional postage stamps with postage meters, it’s clear that each has its advantages. Traditional stamps may be a suitable choice for smaller businesses with lower mail volumes, while postage meters offer valuable benefits for businesses with larger mailing needs. By understanding these unique features and benefits, businesses can make an informed decision that best meets their needs and contributes to their growth and success.

How to Get Started With Your Postage Meter

Choosing to invest in a postage meter can bring significant advantages to your business operations, especially if you handle a high volume of mail. However, knowing how to get started with your postage meter is crucial for unlocking its full potential. Below is a step-by-step guide to assist you on this journey.

1. Choose a Reliable Provider

Your first step is to select from among several reliable postage meter companies. These companies are licensed by the USPS and offer a range of postage meter models to suit different business needs. Consider factors such as cost, the volume of mail your business handles, and any unique features you require.

2. Select the Right Model

Different models offer different features, so it’s crucial to pick a model that matches your needs. Some postage meters come with a built-in scale, while others may require an external postage scale. If your business sends out a high volume of mail or packages of various sizes, choosing a model with a built-in scale may provide the most convenience and efficiency.

3. Set Up Your Postage Meter

Once you’ve selected a model, it’s time to set it up. Make sure you have a stable internet connection, as most modern postage meters connect to the internet to download postage. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for setting up and connecting your device.

4. Purchase Postage

Postage meter companies usually provide an online platform where you can add funds to your meter. It’s as simple as logging into your account, entering your payment information, and selecting the amount of postage you wish to add.

5. Learn How to Print Postage

The next step is to familiarize yourself with how to print postage. This process can vary slightly depending on the model of your meter, but generally, it involves placing your mail item on the postage scale, inputting the destination details, and then printing the postage onto a label or directly onto the mail item.

6. Purchase Supplies

Finally, you’ll need to purchase supplies for your postage meter. These might include ink cartridges and meter tape if you plan on printing onto labels. Some providers offer supply bundles when you rent their equipment.

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Getting started with your postage meter is a relatively straightforward process, but it does require some initial setup and learning. By choosing the right model, properly setting up your equipment, and learning how to effectively print postage, you’ll be on your way to more efficient, professional, and cost-effective mailing operations.

postman scanning mails before delivering them

Can Postage Meters Be Used in Home Offices?

The simple answer is yes, postage meters can indeed be used in home offices, making them a perfect solution for home-based businesses, remote workers, and anyone who frequently sends mail or packages from home. This flexible approach to managing your postal needs can bring a variety of benefits, no matter the scale of your operation.

Why Use a Postage Meter in a Home Office?

  • Time-Saving: Just as in a traditional office setting, a postage meter can save you time by eliminating the need for trips to the post office. This can be particularly advantageous if you live in a rural area or far from the nearest post office.
  • Professionalism: Whether you’re mailing documents to clients, shipping products to customers, or sending invoices, a postage meter can add a touch of professionalism. The printed postage is neat and clean, creating a professional appearance that can enhance your business image.
  • Cost-Efficiency: Depending on the volume of mail you send, a postage meter could potentially save you money. The precise calculations mean you’ll never overpay for postage. Plus, USPS often offers discounted rates to postage meter users.
  • Convenience: Perhaps the biggest advantage is the sheer convenience of having a postage meter at home. You can print postage at any time, right from the comfort of your own home office. This can be especially beneficial during busy periods or when working late.

Considerations for Home Office Use

While the benefits are clear, there are a few considerations to bear in mind when using a postage meter in a home office.

  • Space: You’ll need a designated space for your postage meter. While some models are compact and won’t take up much desk space, others are larger and may require a dedicated area.
  • Internet Connection: Modern postage meters typically require an internet connection to download postage. Ensure your home office has a stable connection to avoid any operational issues.
  • Cost: Remember, there are rental costs associated with using a postage meter. Make sure the volume of mail you handle justifies this expense.

Postage meters can absolutely be used in home offices, providing a practical and professional way to handle postal needs. As with any business decision, it’s essential to consider the costs and benefits and choose a solution that best fits your specific situation.

cheap postage

What to Look for in Postage Meter Providers

Choosing the right postage meter provider is an important decision that can significantly impact your business’s mailing operations. Several factors should be considered to ensure you’re aligning with a provider that best fits your needs. Here’s what to look for in postage meter providers:

1. Range of Models

Look for a provider that offers a range of models, each designed to meet different needs. This means they’re likely to have a postage meter suitable for your business, whether you’re a small startup or a larger enterprise with a high volume of mail.

2. Reliability

Reliability is key when choosing a postage meter provider. Read customer reviews to ensure the provider has a reputation for reliable equipment, timely service, and efficient problem resolution.

3. Customer Support

Excellent customer support is essential. You want a provider that is easily reachable and ready to assist whenever you have questions or encounter issues with your machine.

4. Pricing Transparency

Providers should be transparent about their pricing. They should clearly outline the costs involved, including rental fees, postage costs, and any additional charges for supplies or extra services.

5. Ease of Use

The best postage meters are user-friendly. Look for a provider that offers machines with intuitive interfaces and simple processes for printing postage.

6. Software and Integration

In today’s digital age, it’s beneficial to have a postage meter that can integrate with other business systems. Some providers offer software that connects with your e-commerce platform or accounting software, streamlining your operations.

7. Equipment Training

Some providers offer training on how to use their equipment, which can be invaluable when you’re getting started. This can be particularly helpful if you’re new to postage meters or if your business has complex mailing needs.

8. Additional Services

Finally, consider what additional services the provider offers. Some providers offer value-added services, such as package tracking, reporting features, and postal rate updates, which can enhance your mailing operations.

Remember, the best postage meter provider for businesses of all sizes will depend on your unique needs and circumstances. It’s worth taking the time to research and compare different providers to find the one that offers the best solution for your business.

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Finding The Right Postage Solution for Every Business

Whether you’re running a home-based business, a small startup, or a large corporation, having an efficient and reliable mailing solution is crucial. From letters and large envelopes to packages, every piece of mail counts and impacts your business. This is where choosing the right product becomes invaluable.

  • Companies like FP Mailing Solutions offer a range of postage meters and mailing systems designed to meet varying business needs. These systems can handle different types of mail and volumes, catering to businesses of all sizes.
  • The key is to select a postage meter that aligns with your specific needs. Consider your average mail volume, the types of mail you send, and the integration capabilities you need. Whether you’re frequently shipping large envelopes or sending out a moderate amount of standard mail, there’s a solution out there for you.

Investing in a postage meter can revolutionize your mailing operations, saving you time, enhancing professionalism, and potentially reducing costs. Take the time to explore your options, do your research, and make the choice that will most benefit your business. After all, in the world of business, communication is key, and each piece of mail is an opportunity to make a great impression.

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